Santa Monica / Pricing
1755 Ocean Ave., Santa Monica, CA 90401
(310) 882-5508
Monthly Memberships
Monthly recurring dues program with a 2-month commitment
New Year Deal Unlimited
First Month $20.25 (Reg. $229)
Promo Code: JAN25
New Memberships Only!
$.65/day - first month
Unlimited Classes per Month
FREE TITLE On Demand Subscription ($20 value)
All Studio Access
$10 Guest Passes
Priority Booking
New Year Deal 12x / Month
First Month $20.25 (Reg. $189)
Promo Code: JAN25
New Memberships Only!
$1.70/day - first month
12 Classes per Month
FREE TITLE On Demand Subscription ($20 value)
All Studio Access
$10 Guest Passes
Priority Booking
New Year Deal 8x / Month
First Month $20.25 (Reg. $169)
Promo Code: JAN25
New Memberships Only!
$2.50/day - first month
8 Classes per Month
FREE TITLE On Demand Subscription ($20 value)
$10 Guest Passes
TITLE On Demand $19.99
TITLE On Demand is our streaming platform providing NEW workouts weekly that complement the studio experience.
Try FREE for 7 days!