Creating a “No Touch” Zone at BoxUnion Studio

Coming out of quarantine…. its the moment we have all been waiting for. This next step, however, brings its own set of challenges – what does this new world look like? Am I safe? Will I even remember how to socially interact with people??

The fitness community has rallied together to update policies, including temperature checks, increasing cleaning protocols, adding sanitation stations, staff wearing masks, and keeping patrons 6 ft. apart – all smart and thoughtful changes that are in line with government recommendations and requirements.

Those familiar with BoxUnion, however can better understand that we are uniquely designed to create a full “No Touch” Zone. This means, quite literally, it is entirely possible to experience our workout class and punch it out with your community, without ever touching any shared surfaces.

Here’s how it works:

  • Our no-contact check-in will require all waivers to be signed before coming to class – we will also keep credit card information on file and will no longer be accepting cash.
  • You will not need to touch door handles – the front door will be open at all times and only staff will open the studio door.
  • Lockers will be divided into two groups (depending on class time), which will allow every locker to be fully sanitized between uses – boxers are also encouraged to bring minimal equipment.
  • All shared amenities have been removed from the studio (mints, earplugs, hair ties) –all will be available upon request!
  • Boxers can wear their gloves throughout their entire time at BoxUnion – from entering the lobby door through class (added bonus – wearing your gloves during shadowboxing is the equivalent to using 1 pound weights)!
  • The BoxUnion class structure and effectiveness is not dependent on “touchable” equipment like a bike or treadmill. Yes, we use gloves, but most boxers opt to purchase their own and boxers are required to provide their own wraps.
  • We will still be renting out gloves, however we have updated our policy to “rest” gloves for 72 hours and, as always, will be using our state-of-the-art, hospital grade glove dryer/sanitizer.
  • Towels and hand weights will no longer be provided at your individual heavy bag station; they will be available for purchase (Pro Tip: use you hand weights at home when you are doing BoxUnion Digital)!

In addition, we have updated our HVAC systems, including hospital grade MERV-13 filters AND keep an ear out for our brand new audio system at SAMO.

You can find our full updated procedures and protocol here.

Bottom line – we can still share our energy without sharing equipment. Can’t wait to see everyone on the bag. Have any questions? Let us know in the comments below!