BoxUnion Re-Opening Studio Policies and Updates

As we prepare to re-open our studios, the team has worked tirelessly to ensure safety precautions are in place.

In addition to complying with the government standards, BoxUnion is uniquely qualified to enact a No Touch Zone. Quite simply, this means you can experience all of the amazing BoxUnion benefits without ever touching shared equipment or surfaces. 

Preparing for Class:

  • Update your credit card on file (online or by calling the studio) and sign the updated waiver
  • Call the studio if you are not feeling well – our cancellation policy is  12 hours in advance, but we will make exceptions during this time


  • Be prepared to get your temperature taken and complete a verbal questionnaire outside of the studio
  • With limited space in the room, we will be abiding by our 3-minute Bag Release Policy –if you are not signed in or have not called to save your bag, we will place another waitlisted boxer on your bag 3 minutes prior before class starts 
  • Stay at least 6 feet apart at all times
  • Masks must be worn in compliance with government requirements
  • Glove Rentals will still be available and will not go back into rotation for at least 72 hours and cleaned using our hospital grade dryer

Class Structure

  • We have reduced the amount of bags available in class to keep all boxers 8′ apart
  • You are welcome to wear your boxing gloves throughout the entire class (as well as during check-in)
  • Shared weights and towels will no longer be available at your bag station – they will both be available for purchase
  • We will be cleaning and disinfecting the studio and equipment with EPA registered chemicals